“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works” Psalm 139:14
“You’re awesome!” This was a recent compliment I received, to which I mentally replied, Oh really? You obviously don’t know me very well. Don’t get me wrong, the compliment was very much appreciated and it made me feel pretty darn good. But being someone who has struggled with insecurity, other, more harmful thoughts quickly crept in and suffocated any positive thinking that resulted from the wonderful compliment.
Have you ever found how God knows exactly what you need at the exact moment in time? It wasn’t long after I received this compliment when I was reading one of my daily devotionals. It led me to the verse above. I took away two things from this verse. First, I was reminded that God loves me and made me Himself. That alone should warrant my praises. Okay, thanks for the reminder. Nothing I haven’t heard before, but I will say it was a good reminder for my slight insecurities.
Second, and this was a huge WOW factor for me, is the latter part. “Marvelous are Your works.” WOW! Do you see it? If not, don’t worry, I didn’t either the first ten times I read this verse. I needed a little assistance. Let me show you. In the beginning of the verse, David said that he was made by God. If he then proclaimed God’s works are marvelous, he was saying that he himself was marvelous, because he was made by God. Soooo…YOU are marvelous. I am marvelous. Isn’t that marvelous?!
Does It Matter What We Think? My question to you is, do you believe it? Marvelous is a pretty powerful word. I don’t know that I’d ever think to use that word when describing myself. But God would. I can be confident in that word as I continue to run the race I call life, and keep my eye on the prize even when I fall. I am no less marvelous in God’s eyes when I fall. And neither are you. So when we fall and begin to question our identity and God’s love for us, let’s get up, brush ourselves off and finish what God has started!