“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Last week I shared with you the history of where WAYT247 came from. Now it’s important to share with you how God is helping me overcome the lies of the enemy that still threaten to haunt me today. Regardless of the circumstance, I believe the tools I use are the same tools you need to overcome your own struggles. Before I continue, take a minute and think about your name. We all have one. You may love it, or you may hate it. But you’re stuck with it – well, unless you legally change it. Do you know what your name means? If you’ve never looked up the meaning of your name, stop reading this and find out. Don’t worry, it will only take 30 seconds with the amazing world of Google.
My name means courageous. The Irish go so far as to use the terms “warrior,” and “war-like.” I’d prefer to interpret that as passionate! Recently, when I was preparing to speak at an event, a friend of mine made an excellent observation. She noticed that the exact meaning of our name is very often the one area in which we are attacked the most. Isn’t that interesting? I was given a name that means courageous, yet for years my struggle has been fear and insecurity.
I know I’m digressing a bit, but I want to tell you why I spilled my guts about something very private and personal to me. After a scary health concern and the death of a close family member, my eyes were opened to a hard fact. Our time here is limited. We don’t know the day or the hour when our time on this earth will end. I realized I wanted – no, needed to make the most of the time I’ve been given here before it’s too late. Anyone seen I Can Only Imagine? The movie is based on real-life events of Bart Millard, lead singer of the band MercyMe. In the movie, Trace Adkins (love him!), who portrays Bart’s music producer Scott Brickell, has a heart-to-heart with Bart. He tells Bart that in order to make a great song, he should write one that portrays his hidden, painful past. He says, “write about it, but to do that you’ve got to face your fears.” There’s that courageous piece again. It was as if God had spoken to me there in that theater. I took a deep breath, gulped down my fears and insecurities, and wrote about the situation, trusting that if God was calling me to share this, He would take care of me.
Ok, so here’s our help. Last week I talked about the “devil poke”, or the one thing the devil uses against us because he knows our weaknesses. We have a choice when we feel that poke. We can either choose to dwell on it, thinking things that make us feel worse, OR we can decide to put on our armor (I talked about the armor of God a few posts back). The best way to use our armor when the devil attacks our minds with lies is to speak the truth. Joyce Meyer said in her book Battlefield of the Mind, “The Word (the Bible) coming forth out of a believer’s mouth, with faith to back it up, is the single most effective weapon that can be used to win the war against worry and anxiety.” Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Here’s the problem I’ve found. In the book of Ephesians, Paul tells us to PUT ON the armor. That means that it’s not going to magically happen. The sword of the Spirit, or the Word of God, isn’t going to pull itself out of its sheath and attack the enemy. Nor is the shield of faith going to automatically thrust itself into our hands every time our faith is wavering. No, we have to actively do it. But sometimes, it’s just too difficult. I know! I’ve been there. The armor feels way to heavy to bear in that single battle. There have been days when I know if I just opened my mouth and started reciting some of the verses I have in my journal for when I need them, (or in other words, heave that mighty sword out of its sheath), then it wouldn’t take me long before I started believing the truth and fighting the lies of the enemy. Yet for some reason, I just can’t do it. It’s easier for me to lay on my bed and curl up into that safe and secure ball and cry. Sound familiar? I’m sure none of you have ever acted like that before. Well I have, and I carry on in this manner until I hear that small voice that says, “Get up, Tracy. You’re right. You can’t do this on your own, but that’s why you have Me. Lean on Me and I will be your strength.” As I continue to lean on God and depend on Him to help me during the down days, I find it easier and easier to confess and believe the truth about my life and the lies become less and less intimidating.
I can’t tell you how many good things have already come from this testimony. For starters, I told you in part 1 about the woman whose best friend was currently in the midst of the same situation. There was also another woman that day who approached me with such relief, knowing she wasn’t alone. I shared this at a retreat in May and I can’t tell you how many people were able to relate a single part of the story to their own lives. And lastly, a new book idea was born out of all this!
Does It Matter What We Think? In the verse above, the word “carnal” means of the flesh. The Bible clearly tells us the weapons we have available to us are not of this world, but from God. They are so mighty that they can demolish a stronghold, or a “fortress” that we have placed our confidence in. So mighty that they have the capability to destroy every single thing that exalts itself against God. Where did Satan come from? Heaven. Why? Because he wanted to be greater than God, exalting himself against the knowledge of God. Now here’s the best part. According to this verse we have the means to do it, but how? By TAKING EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT INTO CAPTIVITY TO THE OBEDINECE OF CHRIST. If I begin to think something is wrong with my marriage, I speak against it. “My husband loves me. ‘A threefold cord is not quickly broken.’” (Ecclesiastes 4:12) If I am afraid, or don’t feel strong enough to handle a situation, I speak against it. “I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” (Eph 6:10) “I am strong, I will not fear. My God will come.” (Isaiah 35:4) “I am a child of God and He loves me. His thoughts for me are more than the grains of sand on the beach.” Whatever your struggle is, start speaking the truth against it and the lies of the enemy won’t be so scary. Remember to make the truth about YOU. Insert “I’ and “me” into the verses. As you do this, you will see a transformation taking place in your mind and before you know it, that armor won’t feel so heavy. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” As Toby Mac sings, “speak life,” and let’s win this war together!
Photo by MS